2 JUNE 1933, Page 17


Sin,- As the one responsible for the Evangelical work of the Salvation Army in Great Britain, may I crave space to refer to a nation-wide evangelistic campaign taking place during three months of this summer, an effort which is embracing some hundreds, indeed thousands, of hamlets, villages and small towns throughout Great Britain ?

A large part of this extended ". battle for souls - for it will be that—is a return to the methods of forty to fifty years ago. In the late 'eighties and early 'nineties, which were golden years of Salvation Army effort and, expansion, some scores of picked, zealous-hearted young men and women- walked through the country holding wayside meetinks wherever there was a handful or more to listen to them. The results Were remarkable, and these remain with us today. There was a stirring, a countryside spiritual awakening, though there was no unemployment problem in those days, no national stress inclining the people to find consolation in religion.

- To the youth of the countryside—for the campaign will be largely a call to youth from youth—will go out the mill to spiritual adventure. We ask for the practical good will of all readers of The Spectator.—! am, Sir, Sze.,