1 JUNE 1944, Page 12

Stit,—Capt. Quintin Hogg is competent to deal at his leisure

with the effusion of Mr. Michael Foot in last week's Spectator. And indeed with any number of Feet—hot or cold! As an ex-Tory candidate it interests me to observe that the venom that flows so easily from the pen of Mr. Foot and from the pens of his political friends, varies in proportion to the distance that separates such scribes from any actual fighting front. The, further from the- combat the more subtle the poison of the pen. I now propound three simple queries for the consideration of the omniscient Mr. Michael Foot.

(1) What proportion of Socialist M.P.s in any Parliament compared with the despised Tories have ever, in a combatant unit, in this or the last war, risked or given their lives for their country?

(2) What precisely Mr. Foot—as Prime Minister (horresco referensl) would have done at Munich, with his then knowledge of our impotence to wage war successfully? (3) Was it not the Socialists and certain pacifist and invertebrate but noisy Liberals who since the 1929 election raised the cry of " War- monger " against any Tory candidate who was so bold as to speak of (a) Empire or (b) the Fighting Services? " You are taking the milk from the babies! " was the united howl of the Socialists and Left Liberals when I myself ventured to discuss such " Imperialist " topics! And now Mr. Foot and those of his Leftish cult wish us to forget their quondam myopia—if myopia indeed it was. I personally believe it was the blindness of those who would not see— affected in an attempt to seduce the unpolitical electors by appeal to mob passion. Many such electors now. are fighting the Hun—while the friends of Mr. Foot and his kind carry on the old game of ink-slinging at better men.—Yours, &c., HERBERT MALONE. Burford House, Derby Road, Cavershom, Berks.