Doctors' Finance
Snt,—There may be good reasons for increasing the salary of research workers in applied biology, but the average income of general practitioners is quite irrelevant. Do the......
Sm,—mr. Quintin Hogg's Review Of Your M.p. In A Recent
issue was, of course, devastating, but The Spectator is not widely read by the sort of ill-informed people who are deceived by the silly sophistries of Guilty Men and Your M.P.......
Stit,—capt. Quintin Hogg Is Competent To Deal At His Leisure
with the effusion of Mr. Michael Foot in last week's Spectator. And indeed with any number of Feet—hot or cold! As an ex-Tory candidate it interests me to observe that the venom......
Greece's Perplexities
Sra,—The " Greek in England " whose letter you published in your issue of May 26th warns us that, despite the recent encouraging news_ from the Lebanon, there still remains " a......
" Waste Paper"
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Stn,—Mr. F. W Bevan aptly illustrates the truth of my criticisms. He said he did not know that " the present Prime Minister had emoted against the proposal......
Snt,—how Fascinating Are The Inconsistencies Of Man....
emphatically deny the Christian doctrine of Originhl Sin are the most ready in books such as Guilty Men and Your M.P. to accuse their enemies of wickedness. It in the Christian,......