2 MARCH 1844, Page 10



The books of the various Storks, the dividends upon which become due in April next closed this day ; and the usual quarterly notice vras yesterday issued from the Bank, stating the willingness of the Directors to advance money by way cf loan upon the deposit of approved securities till the 18th April next, such loans to bear interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum.

The transactions of the English Stock Market have been unimportant ; but prices have been supported by the continual recurrence of the purchases by the Government-broker on account of the Savings Banks, which have during the week amounted to nearly 100,0001. The alarm occasioned by the French pro- ceedings at Tahiti does not appear to have entirely subsided: for though on the first intelligence of the decree restoring Queen POMARE a rise in our Funds occurred, it is observed that the French Funds still keep down ; and the arrival of the French mail tomorrow is looked for with interest, to see how the Cham- ber of Deputies receive the interpellation directed against N. GUIZOT. The closing price of Consols is today precisely the same as last week, viz. 971 The settlement of the Consol Account occurred on Tuesday, and was only re- markable for the scarcity of Stock ; CODSO1S being to be bought cheaper for the April Account than for Money. Money still continues very abundant ; but if the speculation now beginning in all sorts of produce should continue, we may look tor an increase in the rate of discount.

In the Foreign Market, Spanish Bonds have again become the favourite objects of speculation. For the last two or three weeks rumours have been current of some grand financial measure being on the tapis, that was to give a great increase in value to the Three per Cent Bonds ; and the Parties in the secret have bought that Stock to the extent of nearly two millions, causing by these operations a rise of nearly 5 per cent. The Madrid Gazette of the 23d February, received yesterday, contains a decree by which the proceeds of the tobacco-revenue, estimated at 750.0001. (and which is to be put up to farm) are to be applied to the payment of the dividends of the Three per Cent Stock. It is surprising that the repledging of an already pledged fund should be considered as offering any additional security to the Bond- holder. All the revenues of Spain are already pledged for the pay ment of the foreign debt generally, and the setting aside of any particular portion for the payment of any favoured stock is in fact an injustice to the holders of those other bonds which are not so favoured, and the dividends upon which con- sequently remain unpaid ; and, so far from tending to increase the credit of the Spanish Government, it must, when coolly considered, have a directly con- trary effect. Portuguese Bonds have been without any material change. So have the European Continental Stocks. The South American Bonds, which had declined, have rallied again ; Peruvian being today 31, and Colombian ex Venezuela, 14a a. Mexican are also firmer ; the Active being 34a 5, and the Deferred 12a 13. The settlement of the Foreign Account occurred yesterday ; and, as might have been anticipated from the fluctuations, was the heaviest that has occurred for some time ; the transactions in Spanish Stock especially baring been very large. There was a demand for money during the latter part of the day ; but the pressure was not sufficiently great to force any extraordinary rate of interest. The improved appearance of the Share Market, noticed in our last report, has continued, and some of the more important Railways have risen materially; Birmingham having been quoted from 8/. to 10/. per Share in advance. The demand for Real Del Monte Mining Shares has mused an advance of nearly 1/. ; these being today quoted at 6/. Santiago (Mining) seem also to have reached the lowest point of depression ; and, after being at 71., they are im- proving, and are sought for at 71. 10s. SATURDAY, Twswre 0'c-wen.

The English Funds are without any fluctuation or business of importance. The only change in the Foreign Market occurs in Spanish Stock, both varie- ties of which are lower ; the Three per Cents being 35g i, and the Active Five per Cents about 25. The other Foreign Bonds are at yesterday's quotations, without any thing material having taken place. In the Share Market, Del Monte (Mining) are quoted at 6/. We have also to notice the following bargains in Railway Shares: South-western, One-eighth Shares, 24 a ; Midland Counties, 88; Norwich and Brandon, 6a; Paris and Orleans, 33k; South-eastern and Dover, 341; York and North Midland, 119a 20; Ditto, New, 54; Ditto, Scarborough Branch, 19*.

SATURDAY, Two o'etocac.

The English Funds close at the morning's prices: bargainshave been effected today by special transfer in Reduced Three and Three-and-a-half per Cente, the former at 98 and 98a, and the latter at 103 and 1034. Bank Stock is also quoted at 194 for Account. The only change in the Foreign Funds is a trifling improvement in Columbian ex Venezuela, which have been done at 14a. The others close at the morning's quotation. In the Share-market, the following Mining Shares are quoted: Bolanos, 6a a; Del Monte, 6, (being an advance of 5s. in the course of the day); Ditto, Red Debentures, 23; Santiago de Cuba, 7i 8, (an improvement of 1/. m,on recent prices.) We have also to notice the following transactions in Railways : Birmingham and Gloucester, 75; Chester and Holyhead, 5*; Eastern Counties, 104 ; Ditto, New, 12a ; Great Western, 109 8 9 ; Blackwell, 6*; Birmingham, 233 2a 3a ; Manchester and Leeds, 210 13; South-eastern and Dover, 35 4; Ditto, Scrip, 35a 5. National Provincial Bank of England are quoted at 34i.

3 per Cent Ctmsols

9711 4

Chilian Deferred 50 2 i Ditto for Account

971 4

Colombian ex Venezuela .. ,

144 f

3 per Cent Reduced

shut Danish 3 per Cents

864 74

34 per Cent Ditto.

shut Dutch 24 per Cents

544 54

New 4 per Cents

1024 4

Ditto 5 per Cents ...... ....

1014 2 Baulk Stuck


Mexican 5 per Cents Consd ,

344 4 Exchequer Bills

prem. 69 71

Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.184 l 44 4 India Stock

— Russian 5 per Cents .ex div

115 117 thaziliati 5 per Cents

79 81

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 244 51 Belgian 5 per Ceuta

104 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

44 t

Chili= 6 per Cents

103 5