Goreign Anb (colonial.
FRANCE.—The Chamber of Deputies was engaged on the 14th and 15th February in discussing a motion by M. Remusat, to exclude persons in Government offices from sitting as Deputies......
East India Shipping.
ARRIVED— At Gravesend. 26th Feb. Exporter. Anwyl ; and Australasian Packet. Hill, from Sydney; Portly, Reed. from China ; London. Edwards, from Singapore; Heleu Mary, Painter ;......
Tuesday's Gazette contained an order from the Lord Chamberlain's Office that the Court mourning for the Duke of Saxe Coburg Gotha should change on the 7th instant, and terminate......
T He Army.
WMI.OFFICE, March I.-4th Drags.—Capt. W. C. Forrest. from the 11th Light Drags. sobs Capt. vice Ibbetson, who exchanges. 3d Light Drags.—Sergt..Major Itathwell. (Riding master,)......