2 MARCH 1878, Page 23

Multum in Parr° Gardening. In Two Parts. By Samuel Wood.

(Crosby Lock wood.)—Need we do anything more than quote Mr. Wood's title-page in Wens° ? The " Two Parts " are these :—" 1. How to make one acre of land, without glass, produce, by the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, six hundred and twenty pounds per annum clear profit. 2. How to grow flowers within glass houses so as to realise one hundred and twenty-six pounds per annum clear profit." Conscious that the gardener has many enemies, he adds hints for the destruction of "insect pests." Could he tell us also how to escape frosts ? As the thermometer almost always shows—at least in the favoured spot whore the present writer lives—ten or twelve degrees of frost more than once in the middle of May, calculations of profit are somewhat rudely dis- turbed. The volume contains many practical hints, and will be useful, even though it fails to show such a royal road to competence as the title indicates.