2 MARCH 1878, page 21

Current Literature.

Religion in China. By Joseph Edkins, D.D. (Triibner.)—This volume, one of the series entitled" The English and Foreign Philosophi- cal Dictionary," is a second edition, "......

Ida Milton; Or, "to Be, Or Not To Be." By

Graham Stephenson. 3 vols. (Tinsley Brothers.)—The momentous question is whether Ida Milton is or is not to be the wife of Walter Hervey, a young gentleman with whom she has......

Nine Lectures On Preaching, By R. W. Dale (hodder And

Stoughton) ; Lectures on Preaching. By the Rev. Philip Brooks. (Dutton, Boston, U.S.) —Some few years ago a " Lyman-Beecher Lectureship on Preaching " was founded in Yale......

The Heroes Of Young America. By Ascott R. Hope. (edward

Stan- ford.)—The object of Mr. Hope's work is to give an account of the English colonisation of the coast of North America, and the foundation of "the great country now known as......

Shakespeare: The Man And The Book. By C. M. Ingleby,

LL.D. (Triffiner and Co.)—This book is a collection of sundry papers, Dr. Ingleby has written at various times on diverse Shakespearian matters. He descants at length and with......

Canters In Crampshire.*

Canters in Crampshire is an amusing volume of sketches and adventures in the hunting-field, drawn with great spirit, a keen sense of humour and fun, and no lack of observation.......

The Maid Of Norway : An Historical Romance. By A.

Munch. Translated from the Norwegian by Mrs. Robert Birkbeck. (Chatto and Windus.)—It is difficult now-a-days to read historical romances— the literary atmosphere of the time is......