The Government has brought in, through Mr. J. Lowther, the
new Irish Secretary, its Bill for Irish County Reform. It closely resembles the English Bill. The Grand Juries are superseded by " Baronial Presentment Sessions," that is, councils for the baron- ies, composed half of Justices of the Peace and half of members elected by the Guardians. The Sessions will elect the County Boards, the J.P.'s and elected members sending up an equal number to represent them. These County Boards will appoint the officials of the County instead of the Grand Juries—a decided advance — and the Coroner, rather an absurdity, as the Coroner is a Judge, and ought not to be nominated by any elected body. For the rest, the new Councils will have much too strong an infusion of Grand Juror in them, and all kinds of Irish Liberal Members disapprove it. Indeed, Mr. Parnell hinted, amidst a good deal of laughter, that the Govern- ment had better withdraw it, and so save the time of the House. Certainly, an Obstructionist intent on discussing every clause of a " Baronial Presentment Sessions Bill" is a prospect to create alarm.