2 MARCH 1889, Page 24

We have received the first of four projected volumes of

The Swedenborg Concordance, compiled, edited, and translated by the Rev. John Faulkner Potts, B.A. (Swedenborg Society), "a com- plete work of reference to the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg." Experience has or ought to have taught one not to be astonished at anything that may be done in the matter of the publication of books. We can only say that few would have supposed the Swedenborg reading public to be so great as to demand a concordance. If we reckon any of that public among our own readers, we gladly commend to them this laborious work. —We may mention along with it, The Philosophy of Mysticism. Translated from the German of Carl du Prel, by C. C. Massey. 2 vols. (George Redway.)