2 MARCH 1889, page 24

The Chaucer Birthday - Rook. Compiled By Harriet...

Co.)—The arrangement of this " birthday- book " is slightly different from that commonly adopted. A separate page is allotted to each day, and the space for names is left below......

A History Of French Painting. By Mrs. C. H. Stranahan.

(Sampson Low.)—Mrs. Stranahan's history of French art is one of those volumes which, while containing a store of interesting information, is, on account of the absence of......

Current Literature.

Speeches and Addresses of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 1863-1888. Edited by James Macaulay, M.A. (John Murray.)—It would be -a foolish flattery, at which no one would be more......

We Have Received The First Of Four Projected Volumes Of

The Swedenborg Concordance, compiled, edited, and translated by the Rev. John Faulkner Potts, B.A. (Swedenborg Society), "a com- plete work of reference to the theological......

The End Of The Middle Ages.*

THE meaning and end of these essays in history, which deal with such widely different subjects as the early Beguines of Liege and the Malatestas of Rimini, is explained by......

Ireland From One Or Two Neglected Points Of View. By

the Author of "Hints to Country Bumpkins." (Hatchards.)—For all that this pamphlet is so sweeping in its tone, it unquestion- ably contains in its pages elements of truth.......