Boating. By W. B. Woodgate. "The Badminton Library." (Longmans, Green,
and Co.)—We must confess to feeling some disappointment after reading this book. It is hard to fix on any particular part as blameworthy ; yet we leave the book rather with the impression that it might have been better. Perhaps, however, this may be due to a comparison between this volume and that on cricket—a comparison, too, which is rather unfair; yet there can be little doubt which volume would, as a rule, prove the more interesting. We do not intend to convey the impression that Mr. Woodgate's work is uninteresting. On the contrary, it contains much that will delight
all lovers of aquatic sport. The introduction, too, by the Rev. Edmond Warre, is well worth reading. On one point the volume is inferior to none of its fellows,—the illustrations are really first- rate.