The great change in the temperature of the atmosphere which has taken place to-day induces us to hope that the wind is now decidedly westerly, and that in the course of the ensuing week, the Boyne and other vessels so long detained on their voyage from St. Helena will arrive.
By the Cornwall we have advices from Bengal to the 13th, and by the Bolton from Bombay to the 9th of January. Freight continues without improvement at either of these Presidencies. A severe hurricane was experienced near the Mauritius about the I lth and 12th of February. The Sarah and John Taylor are the only vessels which are yet known to have suffered from its violence. All the Company's regular ships of the season have now been despatched for China, but another opportunity of communicating with that country will be afforded on the 30th of this month, when the Extra ships Asia and Mangles will be despatched for China and Halifax. The Clifton put back to the Mauritius previous to 14th Feb., leaky, and with nearly all her cargo damaged.
The John Taylor, from Bengal to Liverpool, was dismasted in a severe hurricane, near the Mauritius, on the 11th Feb., and was spoken with off the Cape on the 1st March, making for that Port. The Sarah, Chrystie, from China and Singapore to London, lost her foremast, topmast, Sic., in the same gale, on the 12th Feb., in 28 south; 53 east.
The London, Fotheringham, from Sumatra, which was condemned at Barbadocs, has been given up by order of the Customs at that Island.
Arrived.—In the Downs, Apri128, H. C. S. William Fairlie, Blair, from China and the Cape : Cornwall, Aldham, from Bengal ; 29th, Bolton, from Bombay. Off Plymouth, April 27, Ellen, Camper, from Mauritius- At Madeira, March 20th, Elphinstone, Ri- chardson ; 28th, H. M. S. Comet ; April 3d, Argo, Boding ; and 4th, Vallyfield, John- son, all bound to India or New South Wales. At St. Helena, March 8th, Barbara, Dunn, from the Cape -, 12th, Bussorah Merchant, Stewart, from Batavia ; 14th, Boro- dino, illustrap, from Mauritius ; and 15th, Sarah, Chrystie, from Singapore. At the Cape, March 24th. Emulous, Welbank, from the Mauritius ; 27th, Columbia, Kirkwood, from Calcutta ; and 28th, Georgiana, Thompson, from London. At Bombay, Dec. 31st, Katherine Stewart Forbes, Chapman, from London. At Bengal, ,Tan. 2nd, Aurora, Owen, from London and Madras ; 6th, James Sibbald, Cole, from London and Ceylon; 9th, Cresol- Watt ; and 10th, Susan, Halliday, from London and Cape. At §ingapore, Frances Watson, Bragg, from Liverpool. At New South Wales, Oct. 17th, Competitor, Steward ; 20th, Marquis Hastings, Drake ; and 30th, Magnet, Johnson, all from Londanj At Boston (America), March 31st, the English ship Forth, from Calcutta.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, April 25th, Hero of Malown, Studd, for Bombay ; 26th, Elizabeth, Macdonald, for Van Diemen's Land, and H. C. S. Scaleby Castle, Barnett,frs
China; 27th, Marquis of Anglesey, Steward, for Swan River ; 30th, H. C. S. Vansittart, Scott, for China.
Spoken.—William, Money, from London to Bengal, 8th Dec., 2 north, 92 east; Hope- ful, London to Cape, 11th March, 1 north, 23 west ; Prince Regent, Millard, London to New South Wales, 17th March, 2 north, 24 west; Juliana and Boyne, from Bengal to London, the former on the 30th Jan., 7 south, 90 east, the latter 10th April, 34 north, 36 west ; Burrill, London to Bengal, 12th March,34 north, 13 west; Asia, Edmunds, Man- illa to Cowes, 19th March, 4 north, 21 west ; H. C. S. Lowther Castle, for China, 25th April, clear of the Channel; Eamont, Walrasley, from London to New South Wales, 25th April, with loss of main and mizen topmasts ; Laurel, from Clyde to Calcutta, 8th March, by the Georgiana, arrived at the Cape from London.
SATURDAY MORNING. Arrived.—In the Downs, May 1, Charles Kerr, Brodie ; and Emma, North, from Bombay.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, May 1, Fanny, Bundy, for the Cape,