Madame Malibran Garcia.
WE have seldom seen a performer who, both as a singer and an actress, has presented within the range of one part more faults and ex- cellences than Madame MALIBRAN GARCIA. Her......
Editorial Commentaries.
THE learned and philosophical editors of the Morning Chronicle, in a moment of leisure from poor laws, corn, and currency, Ireland and population, thus apply themselves to Mrs.......
Dramatic Monopolies.
MONOPOLIES are the giants of modern days, which all true men should unite in assailing and slaying, wherever they are to be found. Mr. BUCKINGHAM, with the valour of a knight of......
The New Morality.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATO:t. your ingenious article on itowLANDSTEmaNsoN, you say that of all roithers there is none to be so much feared and so difficult to be guarded......