Hiram s.—On the 25th of April, the Lady of William Garforth, Esq. of Wiganthorpe. of a son and heir—At Clifton, the Lady of Sir E. Poore, of a daughter—At Pentre-punt, the Lady of Sir W. H. Clarke of a sun—Mrs. Rogers, of Horton-hall, near Leek, of three daughters ; one is since dead, the other two, with the mother, are doing well—At Ponagbadee, the wife of a seafaring man, named James Davidson, was safely delivered of four children, two males and two females, They were all born alive, but died shortly after their birth.—On the 29th ult. the Lady of Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bart. of a son.
MARRIAGES.—On the 22nd inst. at Kew, Surrey, George Arbuthnot, Esq. only son of Colonel Sir Robert Arbuthnot, K.C.B. to Augusta, youngest daughter of the late Christopher Papendiek, Esq.—At Cargilford, near Edinburgh, on the 24th inst. William Norris, Esq. Advocate Fiscal of Ceylon, youngest sun of the late William Norris, Esq. of Old Jewry, London, to Fearne, fourth daughter of the late George Kinnear, isq. of Edinburgh, banker.
DE:ern s.—On the 28th inst. at his house in Grosvenor-street, Lord Crewe, aged 87— At Knowsley, on the Rid inst. Elizabeth, Countess of Derby—At Bampton, Oxon, Mrs. Betty Clarke, in her 100th year—At Plymouth, aged nearly 100 years, the Rev. Levi Ben- jamin, upwards of sixty years reader to the Jewish Synagogue In that town. He was one of the teachers of Leoni, the muter of Braham—At Costley, in the parish of Sedg- ley, Staffordshire, on the 15th inst. at twelve o'clock at night, Martha Briscoe, aged 83 ; and on the 16th, at twelve o'clock at noon, her husband, Edward Briscoe, aged 84, having been married 58 years.