Tuesday, April 28.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Gray, Whitworth, and Gillbee, Leadenhall-street, shipping-linendrapers—H. Ashley, S.. Goodman, and G. Ashley, Tokenhouse-yard, soli- citors—J. ltabett and T. Mayhew, Saxmundham, Suffolk, attor.a_s—A. and T. Young, Ion- don, sugar-brokers—S. A. and J. Wheeler, Birmingham, distillers—Biggs and Gates, Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, cattle-dealers — Giles and 'Tomlinson, Rochfurd, Essex, auctioneers—J. Green and W. Binh's, Kingstun-upon-Hull, painters—I. N. Pearce and Co.Bristut stationers—S. H. Sale and Co. Manchester, cotton-merchants—J. Holmes and Co. Sheffield, scissor-manufacturers—S. Blakeloelz and Co. Buckingham-street, Strand, general agents—Hoyland, Armistead, and Co. Bradford and Halifax, tea-dealers ; as far as regards J. Armistead.
INSOLVENTS.—April 27, 'Thomas Rom:agog, Lichfield, hosier—Ronizar LE- VENS, Drury-lane, coach-master—Ha:my To CCOH, Gloucester-street, Iloxton, mer- ehant—Jonar JENNER, Lewes, Sussex, farmer—Jusgen PHtLLrrs,Bristol, builder. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.—FRANCIS COLLENS, Springfield, Upper Claptou, bleacher.
BANKRUPTS.—(TO surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Rasinghall.street.]—SAVDERS HUTCHINSON, Marylebone-lane, Oxford-street, woollen-draper, May 1, 8, June 9: soli- citor, Mr. Tanner, New 13asinghall-street—TuoMAS JARVI s, Chatham, builder, May 5, It, June 9: solicitor, Mr. Hensman, Bond-court, Walbrook—GKoitoE CHILDRE.x, Tunbridge, Kent, and Southwark, hop-merchant, May 5, 12, June 9 : solicitor, Mr. Pownall, Nicholas-lane, Lombard-street—Rouaing BURTON COOPER, Prince's-street, Lambeth, distiller, May 1, 18, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Lowless, Cross. and Bettye. Hatton-court, Threadneedle-street--.4Amns and JAMES' COCKBURN, Berwick-upon- Tweed, corn-merchants, May 5, ha June 9 : solicitors, Messrs. Druce and Sons, Billiter- apiare—SAM es EL BAXTER, Carmarthen-street, Tottenham-court-road, builder, May 5, la June 3: solicitors, Messrs. Blunt, Roy, and Blunt, Liverpool-street, Broad-street —Ttioatas BALL, Lichfield-street, Westminster, dealer in fish, May 1, 8, June 3 : solicitor, Mr. Robins, Bernard-street, Russell-square--Sgrizeitsx MOULTON, Pilgrim- street, Ludgate-hill, wholesale-stationer, Mays, 12, June 9: solicitors, Messrs. Tilleard and Miller, Old Jewry—WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE, Ryder's-court, Leicester-square, cord-Wainer, May 1. 12, June 9: solicitor, Mr. Dover, Great Winchester-street. BANKRUPTS.—[To surrender in the Country.] —S.1.111.7EI. ANKERS, Tarporley, Che- shire, spirit-dealer, June 3, 4,9: solicitors, Messrs. Ellis, Walmesley, and Gorton, Chan- cery-lane—THOMAS HERCOCK, Middleton, Northamptonshire, horse-dealer, May 27, 13, June 9: solicitors, Messrs. Clowes, Orate, and \Vedlake, Inner Temple---GgoaGE CARTWRIGHT, Nottingham, commiesion-agent, May 5, 6, June 9 : solicitors, Messrs. Taylor, Featherstone-buildings, Holborn.
Dann exas.—May 22, R. and It. Rigg, Whitehaven. Cumberland, common-brewers- Niay 27, J. Earle, Liverpool, corn-dealer—May 19, D. Canino], Lutlibury, merchant— May al, T. Bleasdale, Chorley, Lancashire, ironmonger—May 20, N. French, jun. Car- Glamorganshire, linendraper—May E. Bird, jun. Cardiff, Glamorganshire, iron- launder—May 23, E. H. Hurnberston, J. Dunning, and G.Fletcher, Kingston-upon-Ilan, merchants—May 19, H. Rose, Jerusalem Coffee-house, and York-street, Portman-square, merchant—May 19, T. Maltby and 11. Buckland, Gutter-lane, lace-manufacturers—May IS, 11. Hunt, Brook-street, Grosvenor-square, druggist—May 23, H. Yates, Titherington, Cheshire, silk-throwster—May 25, 0. Horrocks and It. Martin, Manchester, dyers—May aa W. Shelley, Newcastle-under-Lyme, tanner—May 22, J. Brown, Manchester, cotton- dealer—May 29, G. Brown, Monmouth, inn-keeper.
CERTIPI cATEs to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before May 19.—J. Wood, Blenekester, oil-merchant—S. Lawton, York, inn-keeper—R. N. Orton, A,hton, Warwickshire, scrivener—A. F. Cope, East-street, Walworth, sugar-refiner.
-• Friday, May 1.
PARTNF: Run PS Di s so cv mi.—J. and I. Dewhurst, Skipton, Yorkshire, cotton-spin- ners—IL Bowman and W. Dickinson, Manchester, saddlers—W. Fenton and J. Heavy- side, Belle Vue, Yorkshire, schoolmasters—C. Delves and H. Parkins, Great Yarmouth, linmadrapers—Collinge,Prockter, and Co. Sunny-bank-mill, Lancashire, cotton-spinners —IV. Newman and W. Dicker, King's Arms-yard, \Vhitecross-street, carpenters—la Longshaw and D. S. Leather, Warrington, Lancashire, brass-founders—J. Barnett, Honda, and Co. Regent-street, music.sellers ; as far as regards W. T. Moncrieff- Urn' and Milhidge, Little Eastcheap, grocers—J. Mason and Sons, York, tea-dealers- E.13eanison and E. Frankland, Liverpool, linen-drapers—Carr and Brown, Sheffield, Britannia metal-manufacturers—It. Chatlay and H. O'Neil, Thorncornbe, Devonshire, goolstaplers—Holmes, Truman, and Co. New Bond-street, perruquiers—H. Hartop and Co. Milton Ironworks, Yorkshire; as far as regards H. Hartop—H. Mills and Son, York, wharlingers—W, and J. Yeats, Cross-lane. St. Dunstan's-hill, wine-merchants- IN. Moore and A. Arrowsmith, Edgeware-road, gun-makers—T. Simpson and J. Sanders, Birmingham, platers—Goore and Pyke, Liverpool, corn-merchants—E. Phillips and Co. Bristol, vitriol-manufacturers—Jackson mid Layland, Ashton-within-Mackerfield, Lan- cashire, maltsters—Reynolds and Farr, Thames-street, coal-merchants—E. Lewis and J. Rawson, Lowgrounds, Nottinghamshire, brick-makers—J. Foster and W. Scott, Carlisle, joiners—R. Seddon and Brother, Manchester, cotton-merchants—W. Hubbard and B.
Brayeatt, New Sleaford, Lincolnshire, mercers. •
BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED.—WILLIAM 'Minoan, Old Bailey, eating-house- keeper—WILLIAM ED WARDS EDWARDS, Wilton, Wiltshire, mealman. Baxmiturrs.—[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall.strect.] —GEORGE BENPIELD MOORS, Uxbridge, upholsterer, Slay S, 12, June 12: solicitors, Messrs. Poole, Greenfield, and Gandin, Gray's-inn—Sara:maw WARNER, Crayford, Kent, farmer, pay 8, 15, June 12: solicitor, Mr. Bowler, St. Thomas's street, Southwark—GusrA- t65 EDWARD BECKERS, Britannia-place, Old Kent-road, merchant, May 5, 12, June 12: solicitor, Mr. Ogle, Great Winchester-street, Broad-street--JOHN NEWTON RAD- CLYPPE, Queen-street, Grosvenor-square, coach-plater, May 5, 8, June 12: solicitor, Mr. Parke, Red Lion-square—Ggoaah BROOKS, Town Mailing, Kent, linendraper, May 8, June 12: solicitor, Mr. Farrar, Doctors'-commons and Somerset-house—Joiro close, Bermondsey-street, woolstapler, May 5, 12, June 12; solicitor, 111r. Watts DM-street, Southwark. BAntuueTs.—[TO surrender in the Country.]-7 Amiss Muncis, Honiton, Devonshire, grocer, May 12, 13, June 12: solicitor, Mr. Parke, Red Lion-square—JEREMIAll HUGHES, Hereford, baker, May II, 12, June 12 : solicitor, Mr. Fitch, Union-street, Southwark—CHARLES TARVER, Ramsey, Southampton, corn-factor, May 12, 13, June 12: solicitors, Messrs. Sandys and Son, Crane-court, Fleet.street—Euz Amin, KER- SHAW, Butterworth, Lancashire, and WILLIAM TAYLOR, Boston, America, flannel. manufacturers, May 20, 21, June 12: solicitors, Messrs. Norris, Allen, and Anthony, John-street, Bedford-row—Tow' AS ALLDER, Witney, Oxfordshire, tallow•chandler, May 11, 12, June 12: solicitor, Mr. Miller, Ely-place, Holborn—WILLIA at COCK. SHOTT, Warrington, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturer, May 16, 21, June 12: solicitors, Messrs. Adliugton, Gregory, and Faulkner, Bedford-row—Erman. Rouge BUCHANAN, Stowmarket, Suffolk, maltster, May 14, 15, June 12 : solicitor Mr. Jones, John-street, Bedford-row.
DIVIDENDS.—May 22, D. James, Minorles, woollen-draper—May 23. R. Robinson, Hastings, Sussex, grocer—May 22, It., R. Ma and H. Frisby, Mark-lane, wine-merchants May 25, W. 11. and G. Harrison, Blanchester, cotton-dealers—May 23, J. Protheroe, Bristol, hatter—June 3, J. Morgan, Bromyard, Herefordshire, butcher—June la, J. Smith, Broad-street-buildings, merchant—May 22, A. Palmer, Mincing-lane, merchant —Slay 22, C. Cleverly and J. Hutcheson, Chisivell-street, linen-drapers—May 23, J. Beddow, Walcot, Somersetezhire, pastry-cook—May 22, J. Christie, Leadenhall-street, ale-merchant—May 22, H. Palmer, High-street, Whitechapel, coach-maker—May 22, W. SalMon, West 'Mailing, Kent, auctioneer—May 26, .1. Purkis, Regent-street, oilman— May 22. J. Williams, Bristol, woollen-draper—May 22, E. Howard and J. Gibbs, Cork- street, Burlington-gardens, money-scriveners—June24, S. Weller, jun. Oxford, victualler.
CERTIFICATES to be granted, useless cause 5e Shown to the contrary on or before May 22.—J. Meyer,, merchant—J. E. Greenwood, Bath, milliner—NV. Oriminan, York-street, Bryaustone-square, builder—'T. Heald, Grenada- place, Kent-road, merchant—J. M. Herring, Aberystwith, Cardiganshire, victualler— R. Cooper, Ledbury, innkeeper—T. Kilby, Fenchurch-street, broker—\V. H. otherwise H. Wallis, Harpur-street, Red Lion-square, engraver.