SATURDAY, Two o'cLoes.
We are glad to hear that the accounts which have been received from Bushy Park this morning, of the health of the Duke of Clarence, concerning which unpleasant statements had appeared in some of the Daily Papers, are more favourable.
It is very confidently reported, that an intimation has been made by the Great Powers of Europe to the usurper of the Portuguese throne, that his presence and that of his mother in Portugal can no longer be permitted ; but that if they retire quietly, a liberal income will be secured to them from the revenues of the Casa del Infantade. They are not, however, to be allowed to reside in any part of the Penin- sula. It is added, that if any resistance is offered to this intimation, an expedition will be sent against Don Miguel by France and England.
Accounts from Smyrna state, that hostilites have again broken out in the island of Candia between the Turks and the Greeks.