STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—We have had a great deal of business in our Stock Market this week, and a fall since Monday of one and a half per cent ; a proof that the spirit of speculation was not dead, as sup. posed by some of our contemporaries, but only sleeping.
The first price of Consols on Monday was 88i ; at one time to-day it had fallen to 861, and at the close had recovered only to 86g. All the heavy Stocks have fallen, most of them in an equal, and one of them (4 per cents 1826) is a greater proportion ; but Exchequer Bills are steady at 58 to 60, the price of last week. There have been a variety of reports in circulation, the effect, rather than the cause, of the fall; but we shall only notice them to, say, that none of them are generally credited, except that which assigns to the Cal. cellor of the Exchequer an intention of funding a part of the floating debt.•
In the Foreign Market, Russian Stock has fallen to 952, which is above one per cent lower. Brazil Stock is also lower, but most of the other South American Bonds remain at the prices of last week, except those of Buenos Ayres, which have advanced to 26. Portuguese Stock is also higher, say 451, and Spanish 91. There is nothing to remark with respect to Shares.
There is no complaint of a want of money on the Stock Exchange.
SATURDAY, TWELVE o'ci.ocx.—Consols opened at 861, advanced to 861, and have suddenly risen to 87.. 2.
Thank Stock, di v. Sper Cent. 8 per Cent. Reduced, 862 k 3 per Cent. Consols. 863 2 01 per Cent. 1815, o1g SI per Cent. Reduced, New 4 per Cents. 1522. 1021 ,J
4 per Cents. 1826, 1023 i1 Long. Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1560) 191 3-16 India Sunk, div. Wiper Cent. 227
South Sea Stock, div. 33 per Cent.
India Bonds, (4 per Cent, until March,
1829, thereafter 3 per Cent.) 46 7 Exchequer Bills, (interest 22. per Cent.
per Diem,) 57 58
Consols for Account 863 7 G;;
Austrian Bonds, S per cent.
Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 521 531 Buenos Ayres 6 Cent. 25 26
Chilian, f, per Cent. 16 15 Colombian,
Ditto, 1624, 6 per Cent. 15 151 Danish, 3 per Cent. 642 6-11 French 5 per Cents.
Ditto 3 per Cents.
Greek 5 per Cent. 141 151- Mexican 6 per Cent 20.1 202 Neapolitan S per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 10 12 Portuguese,. per Cent. 45i 46 Prussian,
Russian, 95 0521 Spanish, 91 10
Anglo-Mexican, 241. 25/. Brazilian, Imperial. 741. 751. Real Pet Monte, 1201. 1301. Bolanos, 2701. Colombian, 41. 10s. 51.10s. United Mexican, 91. 101