The Russians removed their head-quarters from Jassy on the 30th
of March, and moved onward to Issakteha on the Danube ; but it does not appear that the passage of the river has yet been effected, or any other military operation undertaken in that quarter. The floods have not only retarded their progress, but damaged tl wir magazines.
The Russians have, it appears, effected a landing at Ineada, an open village on the Black Sea, without either harbour or fortifications. It is about twenty-seven leagues from Constantinople.
General Paskewitsch is said to have gained some further successes in Asia.
A scarcity of provisions—though not, perhaps, an absolute famine, as has been reported—prevails at Constantinople. The Sultan has issued new sumptuary regulations respecting the habits of the followers of the Prophet,—urging them to temperance, simplicity, and self-denial.
The Duke de Laval Montmorency has been named by the King of France his Minister for Foreign Affairs. The appointment is not greatly admired, and is believed to be only temporary.
The New Pope has restored the Jews and Christian Dissenters to the privileges of which his predecessor had deprived them.