MR. LODGE'S Portraits of Illustrious Persons belonging to this coun- try are about to be enlarged as to number, and re-engraved, in con- sequence of the success which the previous set met with. As a pre- liminary step, the paintings—or rather, copies of them, as taken by various artists from the originals, and from which the engravings are to be made—are exhibiting in Pall Mall East. As great pains have been taken to make these copies as like to the originals as possible, it may naturally be supposed, that the exhibition of them presents at- tractions of the most tempting sort to the antiquarian. Those who go there with this expectation will not be disappointed ; though they will probably perceive, as we did, in the different styles in which these copies have been executed, a considerable diversity of excellence. The first number of the new series has just made its appearance ; and con- tains the portraits (together with a biographical account) of Sir PHILIP SIDNEY, ANNE BULLEN, and another well-known character in English history. The specimen holds out a rich promise to the subscribers ; and of the engraving of Sir PHILIP SIDNEY, in particular, we may speak in high terms of praise.