THIS exhibition has pleased us mightily. It is so much the fashion to suppose that the art of sculpture can only be brought to bear on dying swains, love-sick nymphs; et id genus omne, that we were delighted to find there was one man within the King's dominions who was bold enough to break through this ceremony of custom, and show the world that sculpture is as capable as painting of expressing the more whimsical features of humanity. Mr. Timm, the self-taught sculptor of these two well-known characters, has imbibed with a genuine relish the true spirit in which their author conceived them ; and, hearing in mind the union of feeling that has brought Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnny together, has sblfully contrived so to vary the intrinsic humour of each, that while they cordially harmonize as a pair, they are at the same time sufficiently distinct as a,couple of individuals.