The Money-market has been depressed all the week. The demand for
accommodation continues very active, the rate of interest on Government
Securities ruling as high as 7 and 8 per cent. The prevailing heaviness led to the expectation that the Bank Directors would have deemed it necessary to make some alteratien in the present minimum rate of discount : the Funds in consequence have been heavy, and large sales have daily taken place ; Consols were at one time as low as 921 for the 7th May Account. Upon its becoming known at the breaking up of the Court today that no change had been decided upon, Consols, from being 921 all the morning, only advanced to 92 13-16, buyers ; at which figure they close, with a very heavy appearance. The great depression which exists upon the Paris Bourse has also naturally had its effect upon,prices on this side. Reduced leave off at 911 1: several loans upon that class of Stock have been negotiated today at 7 per cent. Bank Stock, 112 114. Consols for June Account, 94 a. An active business has been doing in the Foreign Stock Markets ; the chief feature being a decline of from 1 to 2 per cent in Turkish Bonds. Quotations generally clew dull this afternoon. Russian Five per Cents, 104 106; Mexican, 23 1 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 77 78; Turkish Six per Cents, 9211; Ditto Eour per Cents' 100 ; Venezuela Active Bonds, 361 7S. The market closes with a still further downward tendency.
French Shares are all from 20s. to 308. lower. Paris and Lyons have fallen 3 per cent, owing to the report that the negotiations for the contemplated fusion have failed ; the last price is 58/ 9. Northern of France,
37 ; Centrals, 231 t; Namur and Liege, 8 ; Sambre and Mouse about 15s. worse-81 S. Late in the day the arrival of somewhat better quotations from the Continent caused Shares to close a shade higher. Indian Shares remain steady. In English Railways business has been moderately active ; Shares were generally heavy previous to the settlement of the fortnightly Account today; but Centangos rule comparatively easy, considering the high rates of interest elsewhere : this afternoon the market assumes a firmer tone, and prices leave off about 5s, lower than at the closing het week. The following are the last—Midland, 821 ; Great Western, 66 1 ; London and NorthWestern, 1041 3; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1001 101; London and South-Western, 501 R; Aberdeen, 24 61; Caledonian, 34a ; Brighton Stock, 110 111 ; Dover, 22S 1 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 39i. The let of May being the dityfor closing the Transfer Offices at theBank of England, the Stock Exchange will not be open tomorrow.
The English Market opened rather firmer this morning. Consols are 921 3 for May, and 93a for June ; there is scarcely any business passing, and quotations have again returned to those of Thursday evening. The return of the Bank stock of bullion shows a decrease of 50,514/. Foreign Stocks and Railways are quiet at yesterday's quotations.
The Funds close ft_shade flatter than at the opening ; Consols are now 92 13-16 sellers. There has been scarcely anything doing all day. Railway Shares leave off without alteration. A considerable business has been transacted in Joint-Stock Banks. The following are the latest prices on the official list—Caledonian, 69; Great Western, 661; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 101 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1101; London and North-Westerns 1051; London and South-Western, 100k; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 30i ; Midland, 82; North-Eastern—Berwick, 851; Ditto York, 64t ; South-Eastern, 75; Eastern of France, 311 ; Northern of France, 38k; Paris and Lyons, 581. Joint-Stock Banks—Commercial of London, 231 ; English, .Scottish, and Australian Chartered, 17 • London and Westminster, 46a ; Ottoman Bank, 141 ; Union of London, 28k. Miscellaneous—Canada, 150; Crystal Palace, 2/ ; Electric Telegraph, 92k; London General Omnibus Company, 3/ ex div. ; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 68. 3 per Cent Consols 92 Dutch 21 per Cents 65 6 Ditto for Account 92 Ditto 4 per Cents 97 98
3 per Cent Reduced 91 Mexican 3 per Cents 231 New 3 per Cents 91 Peruvian 41 per Cents 77 78 Long Annuities 2 7-1 Ditto It per Cents 54 55 Bank Stock 212 2 4 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853. 44 45 Exchequer Bills 4 die, to par Russian 5 por Cents 104 6 India Stock 220 223 Ditto 41 per Cents 95 97
Austrian 5 per Cents_ 78 80e din. Spanish 3 per Cents 41 42
Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Ditto Deferred 25 1
Belgian 41 per Cents... 96 98 ex div. Sardinian 5 per Cents 901 911
Milian 6 per Cents 104 106 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 7
Danish 5 per Cents 101 103 Turkish 6 per Cents 921 1
Danish It per Cents 83 85 Litt° 4 per Cents Guaranteed 99i 11101
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Art 7th and 8th Victoria, rap. 92, for the week ending on Saturday, the 25th day of April 1857. ISSUE as...names, Notes issued L23,308,486 Government Debt £11,015,100
Other Securities 309,900 Gold COIL !Ina Bullion 8,833,485 Silver Bullion £23,308,435 E23,308,455 BASSANI) DESAIVEXEST,
Proprietors' Capital E11,559,000 Government Securities (lade
Rest 3,263,516 ding Dead IVeight Annuity). £11,383,128 Public Deposits 5,511,645 Other Securities 17,729,004 Other Deposits 9,450,424 Notes 3,519,830
Seven Days sad other Bills... 725,005 Gold and Silver Coin 721,760
455,303,710 £33,303,715 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acets
The shareholders in the London and Eastern Banking Coiporation met on Tuesday. The proceedings were very quiet and unanimous. It seems that the akin of the bank are likely to be wound-up in a way satisfactory to the creditors, the shareholders making what sacrifices are necessary. A. report was received from the Directors, acting under the committee of shareholders appointed in March. The Oriental Bank will carry out the necessary measures for paying the creditors in India ; Mr. Stuart, of the Oriental Bank, having been appointed manager for the Eastern Bank, which is not to be dissolved at present, as its affairs can be settled better by its remaining still a corporation. The report stated that the Directors and conunittee "have requested Mr. Coleman to furnish them with a short statement, showing the progress of the administration to the 11th of April, the date upon which Mr. Stuart formally took upon himself the managerahip of the bank, by which it appears that the liabilities of the bank were reduoed between the 11th of March and the 11th of April from 397,731/. to 340,2401.: that the general assets of the bank now remaining are estimated to yield 16,0521. above the estimates made on the 23d of March : that the securities held for the debt due from Colonel Waugh to the bank are estimated not to yield by a stun of 38,0001. so much as they were estimated to do on the 23d of March. The result of these altered estimates is that the estimated surplus of 15,718/. as shown on the statement of the 238 of March is now changed to an estimated deficiency of 6230/. The coin mittee, while fully agreeing with Mr. Coleman as to the propriety of not wishing to give to the shareholders any view of their affairs which may not be realized, are of opinion that many of the estimates of some large amounts are low, and they hope for better results." The report was adapted; and a resolution passed for enabling the Directors and committee to carry out the measures they proposed.
At a special meeting of the Australian Agricultural Company, on Tuesday, three gentlemen were elected Directors in place of those resigned : a ballot will take place to decide whether Mr. De Sails or Mr. Leslie shall be the new Deputy Governor.
A " Piedmontese Mining Company" is advertised. The object is to work copper and lead mines in the Val d'Osella, Piedmont, and the Canton Tessin, Switzerland. The mines are to be paid for with 20,000 elusive of le, 5000/. in cash, and a royalty of one-fifteenth. The proposed capital is 50,000/.
Messrs. Yalie and Co. bankers at Paris and Havre, have stopped payment. The firm was of respectable standing, but it in not supposed that their liabilities are very serious.
CRYSTAL Peneee.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday May 1st, including season-ticket-holders, 20,411.