Populatioland Food.
30th April 1867. Sin—I had rather expected that you might yourself have applied some corrective to the principles advocated in Mr. James Aytoun's letter which appeared in your......
On the 22d March, at Agra, the Wife of the Hon. Robed A. J. Drummond, Bengal Civil Service, of a son. • On the 2Ist April, at Spa, Belgium, the Hon. Mrs. Harbord, of a daughter.......
On the 14th January, at Adelaide, South Australia, James Carisbrooke Lyon, Esq., second eon of the late James Lyon, Esq., of Southampton, to Jane Catherine, second surviving......
On the 16th March, at Ootamacund, Neilgherry Hills, Amelia, wife of Captain Colin Campbell, First Madras Light Cavalry, and daughter of the late MajorGeneral Sir Archibald......
Prom The London Gazette, May 1.
WAR Orem, Pall Mehl, May 1.-/sfaratry-12th Regt. of Foot-Major-Gen. C. A. F. Bentinck to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir It. G. H. Charges, K.C.B. dec. 60th Regt. of......
'r R.
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, APRIL 28. Pcirtnerships Dissolred.-Jackson and Jopling, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, whitesmiths-A. T. and J. Laport, Spitalflelds Market, fruit-salesmen-C. and......