An important new fact in the Mexican situation is the
offer of mediation by Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. This offer has been accepted in principle by President. Wilson and General Huerta, and also by General Carranza on behalf of the Mexican rebels. The mediators are trying to arrange a general armistice, both between the United States and General Huerta and between General Huerta and the rebels. The Washington correspondent of the Times says that the mediators' plan is to induce the different factions hi Mexico to agree to a provisional Government which would satisfy Mr. Wilson. As Mr. Wilson has persistently declared that he will not recognize General Huerta, the only possible solution seems to be one based on the removal of General Iluerta. In other words, General Huerta is asked to become a party to an arrangement for abolishing himself. It is an attempt to persuade General Huerta by means of international discussion to do what Mr. Wilson has vainly tried to make him do by every means, including force.