(To Tim EDITOR Or Tee " arson:on:1 Snt,—In mentioning Mr. Aubrey F. G. Bell's Studies in Portuguese Literature, your reviewer (Spectator, March 14th) Were to a translation of......
[to Ter Editor Or The "err:craws."' Sra,—with Reference...
very interesting article on "Botanical Colds" of April 25th, it would interest you to read the Report of the Inoculation Department of St. Mary's Hospital, and the article by......
Botanical Colds.
[To THE EDITOR or Tim "Srscri.ron. - 3 Sin,—In your article on "Botanical Colds" last week you do not mention one of the rarer, but quite undoubted, causes of asthma—the duet or......
"scalp" Or "scalp"?
[To sax EDITOR or TRH arscrsros."] - Srs,—Inan article on," The Guides Ride across.Northumber- land," published in the Spectator of April 11th, the remark is made that " Scalp "......
Literature For The Country Districts Of Canada.
tTo ran Enrron or THE " BPECRATORM Sin,—With reference to the letter which appeared in your columns on April 18th, describing the need for literature in country districts of the......
Imperial Cadet Corps.—instructional Tours.
TE2 Emma or Tam ''Smicramit."J SIB, —A paragraph appeared in the Times of April 28th giving some details of the approaching visit of a representa- tive Cadet Fire Unit from......
A Warning.
[To Tar Earn's or Tim . SrEcraron."3 Snz,—On February 19th of this year, Mr. J. W. Barry, a member of the Society of Friends, and organizer of the Australian Freedom League,......