TE2 Emma or Tam ''Smicramit."J SIB,—A paragraph appeared in the Times of April 28th giving some details of the approaching visit of a representa- tive Cadet Fire Unit from Canada next month, and of the out- going British contingent to Canada in July. We bare been much indebted to readers of the Spectator for generous financial help in this educational experiment during the last seven years, and ask your kind permission to invite a continu- ance and extension of their support, particularly now that the contingent is larger than in any previous period, with the exception of Coronation year. I want to secure a further £500 to enable my Committee to send a strong representative Cadet contingent to Ottawa in July. I may add that this educational work has the concurrence of the Army Council and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and is being supported by people of standing in the counties. Will readers hospit- ably disposed make their donations payable to the Hon. Treasurers—the Hon. Herbert Gibbs or Mr. E. C. Otwry- and send them (marked "Instructional Tours") to me at Cadet Office, Guildhall, London, E.C., mentioning, in a covering note, their county P-1 am, Sir, &c.,
REGINALD J. E. 'Unsex, M.A.Cantab., Lieut.-Col. R.N.V.R.
Hon. Secretary, Imperial Cadet Association. Cadet Office, Guildhall, E.C.