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Sin,—With reference to the letter which appeared in your columns on April 18th, describing the need for literature in country districts of the North-West of Canada, I desire to draw the attention of your readers to the fact that, in con- junction with the Aberdeen Association at Ottawa, during the last ten years small libraries have been collected and despatched by the Literature Committee of the Victoria League, 2 Millbank House, Westminster, to various points in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, and British Columbia, to minister to the needs of pioneers of Empire unable to pro- cure reading matter for themselves. In addition the Literature Committee of the Victoria League supplies addressee of persons in the overseas Dominiona to whom people at home may, at their own expense, post daily and weekly newspapers, illustrated papers, magazines, reviews, in fact almost any kind of high-class periodical, when done with. This scheme is thoroughly organized, and every care is taken to select suit• able literature and also to avoid duplication. The Hon. Secretary will be glad to supply all further particulars to anyone who is anxious either to assist in or to benefit by this
Victoria League, 2 MaThank non. Sec. Literature Committee. House, Westminster, S.W.