The End of Her Honeymoon. By Mrs. Belloc Lowndes. (Methuen
and Co. 6s.)—Mrs. Belloo Lowndes has adapted to her own use a sensational setory which was much oiroulateal
a few months ago. Readers who already know the plot will find it so provoking to foresee exactly how events will happen that the kindest thing the reviewer can do is not to give any hints of what it is all about. This much, however, may be said, that the parent story was extremely sensational and con- cerned the police in Paris; but whether it was really founded on fact is more than a little doubtful. It may also be said that Mrs. Bello° Lowndes has contrived to make her novel, which is pure fiction, carry rather more conviction than the alleged truthful tale which entertained and mystified London dinner parties.