Lord Lucas defended the War Office valuers, and, as regards
Farnborough, maintained that the overcrowding was of extremely recent occurrence. In view of the fact that one hundred and twenty-five cottages were in process of con- struction, he thought it could not be said that the matter had been neglected for a considerable time. In reply to Lord Salisbury's complaints about Rosyth, Lord Wimborne ad- mitted that the state of things was not completely satisfactory. Huta were, however, now being erected for the accommodation of two hundred families. After Lord Lansdowne bad com- mented severely on the inadequacy of the Government defence, and expressed the view that the housing famine was largely due to the falling-off in building caused by the Land Taxes, the motion for returns was agreed to. The impotence of Government action in such matters as housing could not have been more forcibly illustrated than in these two cases.