2 MAY 1952, Page 13

A Job on a Farm Part of a life-story overheard

in the village: " Before I went to work on the farm," he said, "I worked as a lad in Aber. . . . Man called Davies had the place. He was always tryin' to please his customers like, sayin', ' I'll 'ave it sent up. No need for you to carry it.' A woman came in one day for a quarter o' tea an' a packet o' biscuits. I'll 'ave it sent up,' he said. 'The lad's here for that. That's 'is job, like. Where do you live ? ' She said 'Llanfair.' Well now, that's near six mile uphill from Aber. . . . Steep hill. I took it. My tongue was 'angin' out when I got there, man. I pushed the bike all the way. Never even said, "Ere's thripence !' Sweat, man, I was blinded with it ! That's the day I gave up. Got a job on a farm. I 'ad to get up early. I 'ad to work 'ard, but I got as much as I could eat an' no nonsense like The lad'll take it up. That's what 'es 'ere for.'"