It Is As Well To Be Quite Clear As To
one or two crusades which the next Labour Government may wage when it comes to power—though if it does come to power crusading will be unnecessary; weight of votes will do......
"april 21st. At Last ! Don't Miss It! 'hamlet '-
the Play of the Famous Film." This advertisement from a Yorkshire paper is stimulating in its significance. The public mind is working all right, and this is how it works. T. S.......
. I Asked Last Week If Anyone Could Satisfy My
lust for information about the Philo-Byzantine University. Someone very kindly has. I have indeed been told more than I think it wise to impart to readers of the Spectator. The......
Ocular Demonstration.
"A Jesus College freshman, Keith Wedmore, was reported in the Vational Press this week to have seen a flying saucer over Cambridge."—Varsity. "The details of the time and place......
Troubled Africa
A FRICA is providing the world with a full quota of problems. There is Tunis, there is Egypt, there is Bechuanaland, there is the Union of South Africa, there is Central African......
To Find Who's Who 1952 And Who Was Who 1941-1950
(A. & C. Black, the dead £4, the living £5) reaching my desk simultaneously is almost an embarrassment of riches. How- ever, there are questions demanding an immediate answer.......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HE Dean of Windsor has been vigorously denounc- ing the Welfare State. I rather welcome that, in spite of the fact that if the Dean is half- right he is also half-wrong. Every......