2 MAY 1952, Page 5

It is as well to be quite clear as to

one or two crusades which the next Labour Government may wage when it comes to power—though if it does come to power crusading will be unnecessary; weight of votes will do everything needed. A Labour ex-Minister, himself educated at a public school, urged in a week-end speech that it should be made illegal for parents to pay fees for their children's education. So much for the public schools and all that. Equality must rule. But I am for going a little further. Let utility clothing be completely restored and no one allowed to wear anything else. Let the maximum price of all newspapers be lid. (or if possible a penny) and make it illegal to publish anything at a higher price.. Make it illegal to drink anything more expensive than beer. Make it illegal to smoke cigars. Abolish first-class on trains. Abolish all flying that costs more than third-class train fares. Abolish cake, which some people can't afford. Forbid the sale of all fish except the plus-chips variety. If you can't prevent people from making money by their industry prevent them from spending more than the idle can earn. Egalitarianism for ever.