2 MAY 1952, Page 28

Let's Go Somewhere. By Brian Johnston. (Cleaver-Hume Press. 10s. 6d.)

MR. BRIAN JOHNSTON iS a B.B.C. commen- tator, who has become more than usually well-known to listeners through the series of amusing, and at times hair-raising, exploits which he undertakes each Saturday evening during the " In Town To-night " programme. So varied have been the experiences which Mr. Johnston has des- cribed that regular listeners would not, one feels, be in the least surprised to hear him speaking from a rocket en route for the moon. A man who has lain under express trains, charged a barricade of barrels on a motor-cycle, been shaved by the Crazy Gang, tattooed, hypnotised, bowled at by Messrs. Edrich and Compton without losing his wicket, must have steady nerves as well as a good eye and a strong sense of humour. Add to this the ability to give a lucid com- mentary while riding on a fire-engine or being sawn in half by an illusionist, and you have the basic qualifications for a unique job. In this book Mr. Johnston,takes us behind the scenes at many of his more alarming adventures, and also deals with other aspects of outside broadcasting. One is almost glad to be reminded that he at times exchanges the hurly-burly of his Saturday evenings for the comparatively placid, but no less skilful, occupation of a television cricket commentator. This is a thoroughly readable, well-illustrated and most entertaining book, which should have

a wide appeal to listeners. R. C. H.