No solution offered
Sir: Unlike two of your correspondents last week I feel that both your editorial and Mr West's article on the Brixton riots (18 April) contained more than a germ of truth. There is indeed a feeling that 'the liberal establishment is consumed with humbug' and many of us do not view with great equanimity the prospect of rioting mobs —of any persuasion —running amok in our cities, even if they do bypass such idyllic spots as Cambridge or London NW5.
'We must keep on trying to improve our society, materially and spiritually. . convince those who feel aggrieved of our good intentions. . . only keep on trying,' may be all right for a Social Democrats' mystery tour, but it neither prevented Brixton nor will it prevent further troubles. Mr Powell indeed offers no practical or just solution to the problem, but neither does Mr Craig or those of his ilk. And, sad to say, neither, I fear, will Lord Scarman.
Robert Gregory Churchill College, Cambridge