2 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 7

'1'he following strange epistle from 1,:mdy I,yeem Iltilwer. originally addressed

to the editor of the -1.1-orliqg i's!, :IOW on its travels thruugh the press—

no, his. Slue lie mein, nave, Oe'..1,r 29.

Sir—Disagreeable as it i. to me to have mv name drag,e4 hefore the public, it is something more than disagreeable to bare my life lied away. All other injmnies as a wonum I have hoen cony to -.nhailt to; but, for my children's sake. I will not tamely submit to fie • dy and defamed it newspapers.. lo come ot yolmr journals ot last para.raph 11'0111 your I arils correspon tent. purporting to he a deserilUi:■n or a suimmuc that had taken place at 1,zelv A vi item's, wherein I. was described as acting like a imaiss,mrile towards )1r. Ilenry Lytton Bulwer. Now, I have Bo doubt you will bi as much oar- prised (m1,7 I was to s...e sneh a falsehood in your very respect ;Ode ji111111:1! ) when I tell you that no Siteli sectle ever took place, Henry Ilalwer I ot, nor ever has been, at Lady A vi ti 11!;:ve been at Paris; as her lemdeship, with great delicacy of feelieg% avoided oshilt: him, on my areotmt ; thane!). I can have no possible ol.jectioa to meet amm.,- meamiser of the Bultvesk.

family, I never having injured them, lerverer much they may "nave injmmrcd me. I know it is their ol,ject. if possible, t() bunt Inc frau, socievy ; hitt surely they might resort to inure hodonrahie aa.1 gentlemanlike stratageumis:. than that of propagating gross falsm•hoods or mO ti,,,m;fh the ...yin:uu ut ltw public press. When the ahove alludemh to paragr.plt appeared III the _11],rei.a:: Wai :ItIV)■e,1 by all my friends here to Like uni mu ohmic of so palpahlea mis- statement ; but hating this tlay received km tens from Lagland, telling me that it had been repeated more violently, an.1 with greater exaggerations, in the Court Journal of the 19th, 1 am compciled to call upon you to publish this cootredietion of so cruel a calamity in the columns of your next paper, which I am save is conducted on principles of to.) much justice to contribute to the unmanly eppree;ein of a persecuted woman. Knowing., as I do, the contemptible source froal whieh the C' .fortrnal got its loalicious falsehoods, I cann:)t degrade m»yself by thinking it worth while to contradict any thing it may, in the plenitude or its inanity, think lit to pander tu the profligate, and ulna,: the public with.

" I have the honour to Sir, your obedient scrennt,


-r. s. 1 think it farther right to state, that 1 hate Iletet vet met Mr. Ilenry Ii miner in any society in Paris; so euttla not ever have had au oppor- tunity et' acting as described."