Mrs. Clivers's Glimpses Or Western Life.
MICHIGAN is one of the lately-settled States of America ; touching with its base Lake Erie, and lying between Lakes Michigan and Huron, the last-named, water separating it from......
The King Of Naples, By An Ordinance Dated The 9th
instant, has per- mitted the importation of tbreian books (which, however, are to be pre- viously inspected by a board censorship) at a reduction of two-thirds in the duty, but......
Tiie Anti-corn-law Movement.
THE resolution of the landed interest to cling to the present Corn laws, as a sheet-anchor, gains strength. Their extraordinary acti- vity during the recess was especially......
Spectator's Library.
COLWIZATION, A New Home—Who'll Follow? or Glimpses of Western Life. By Mrs. Mary (lavers, au Actual Settler Wiley and Putnam; Francis, New York. Firebox, Real Pearls in a False......