The University of Oxford has come to an extraordinary decision.
It is intended that the candidate for a degree who wishes for exemption from the Divinity examination on religions grounds shall be exempt, but who is to state the wish ? Mr. Neate desired the student to have the power, as he, and not his ancestors, particularly his female ancestors, are to feel the conscientious objection ; but Congregation decided by 68 to 33 that the objection shall only be raised in the case of a minor by his parents or guardians, who may be, and we should say usually are, of entirely different opinions. It comes, therefore, to this,—that Oxford thinks a minor may reasonably assent to any amount of professions of faith, but may not reasonably dissent from them,— that is, may not have an intelligent opinion at all. There is only one parallel that we know of to that decision, and that is the con- duct of those Dissenters who hold it essential to their souls' welfare that they should freely elect their pastor, and then refuse women permission to vote 4 his election.