The Italians Seem For Once To Have Put Themselves In
the wrong in a quarrel with the Pope. An International Commission is sit- ting in Paris to decide upon the best standard of measure. Each country sends members according to its......
The Papers Are Full Of Stories Of English Cruelty And
oppression. We give the worst of them all, the confession of Dr. J. Murray, a front place in our paper to-day ; but Mr. E. Jenkins (" Gimes Baby ") relates another which, though......
Mr. Baxter Addressed His Constituents At Montrose On...
an able, but unfortunately sordid speech. After recapitulating the achievements of the Government, he intimated that Mr. Glad- stone had, perhaps, other nice things in store ;......
An Austrian Correspondent Of The Times, Writing From...
the view we expressed last week as to the fall of 11.Iidhat Pasha. He has been superseded because Mahmoud has again aroused the Sultan's defeated hopes of altering the......
The University Of Oxford Has Come To An Extraordinary...
It is intended that the candidate for a degree who wishes for exemption from the Divinity examination on religions grounds shall be exempt, but who is to state the wish ? Mr.......
The Duke Of Marlborough Is Quite Hurt In His Mind
by two statements made by the Attorney-General. Sir J. Coleridge, who has read history, said the Marlborough estates were granted to the Churchills by the State, a statement......
We Regret To Perceive That Mr. T. Hughes Has Intimated
his intention of retiring from the representation of Frome. Mr. Hughes stood originally for that little borough as a strong church- man and advocate of co-operation, both of......
The Government Has Made An Admirable Selection For The...
of Winchester. The Rev. John Bramston, the Vicar of Witham, Essex, besides enjoying a high local reputation as a parish priest and preacher, has been distinguished for some......
The Never-ending Rain Which Has Wearied And Depressed All...
Europe, has in the South, and especially in Italy, wrought still more serious mischief. The rivers, many of which are above the plain, having been dyked for centuries, have......