2 NOVEMBER 1872, Page 3

A Geneva correspondent of the Daily News announces by telegraph

that Bishop Mareilly has resigned his diocese of Geneva, • on the ground that Mgr. Mermillod is now Bishop of that see. As he had previously informed the Council that he would appoint no Cures, that duty appertaining to the Bishop of Hebron, no surprise was felt ; but the Council has again resolved to take no notice of Mgr. M.ermillod, and has officially announced that it holds the Concordat at an end, and will exact an oath of submission to the laws and to the Government from all future cures, who are to be elected by their parishioners. The election, of course, will be a form, as the parishioners will elect the Bishop's nominee, but the oath is a mistake. The State has no rights over disestablished priests except in their capacity as citizens.