One of the humblest and therefore, perhaps, one of the
most useful of all our charities,—the Metropolitan Asso- ciation for Befriending Young Servants—is still in great need of some £400 to enable them to take full advantage of a generous offer of a house at Ramsgate, to be used as a convalescent home for weakly girls in their homes or under their care. Over £120 has already been subscribed ; but as the house is without furniture, and various other expenses will be incurred in getting into it, it will be impossible to turn this most opportune gift to account without prompt aid from the general public. We trust that the funds still needed will soon flow in. There is no kind of charity more completely free from extraneous evil consequences than con- valescent homes properly administered. Subscriptions should be sent to Miss Poole, 18 Buckingham Street, Strand.