Biblical Character - Sketches. By Dean Farrar And Others....
and Co.)—The volume is divided into two sections- " Young Men of the Bible," and " Young Women of the Bible "- all the essays or sermons numbering twenty. Some of the sub- jects......
Shaven Crown. By M. Bramston. (s.p.c.k.)—this " Story Of The
Conversion of the Surrey Border" is as good a piece of work as Miss Bramston has ever done,—in this line at least. She has a quite unusual success in making these remote and......
Ecce Homo, Ecce Res. By Mrs. Rundle Charles. (s.p.c.k.)— We
might give an expressive title to this book by saying that it shows " the Gospel at work." " It is of the essence of the Christian religion," says the author in her preface,......
Two Dolls' - Houses. By Alice M. Mitchell....
is really entertaining and suitable to children in this little book ; but we doubt, as we have often occasion to doubt in noticing publications of this kind, whether young minds......
We Have To Mention New Editions Of The Two Volumes
of The Poets' Bible, selected and edited by W. Garrett Horder (Ward, Lock, and Bowden). The "Old Testament Section " has reached a second, the "New Testament Section" a third......
THOUGH this volume hardly comes into the class which we commonly describe as " gift-books," it will serve admirably for a gift. The fact is that fresh-water fishing becomes......
A Salt - Water Hero. By The Rev. Edward Augustus Rand....
" hero " is a New England lad, who goes to sea in a whaler and distinguishes himself by various brave deeds, and especially by refusing to drink the liquor which a wicked......
Stories Of The Royal Humane Society. By Frank Mundell....
School Union.)—Mr. Mundell, who has already given us " Stories of the Fire Brigade " and " Lifeboat," now does justice to another and not less meritorious kind of heroic effort.......
Piston Parish. By Florence Moore. (s.p.c.k.)—the Tale...
Mr. Paget, Vicar of Pixton, comes home and finds his wife with a bad headache. "I hope the servants have not been worrying you," he says. That is expressed naturally enough. But......