2 NOVEMBER 1907, Page 14


Economics. By Frank W. Blackmar, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology and Economics in the University of Kansas. (Mac- millan and Co. 6s. net.)—This book is intended by its author "to present a complete working manual for students and instructors." It covers the whole field of economics, but avoids controversial points, as is recommended by all able instructors of economics. An additional chapter is added for the purpose of suggesting and encouraging "concrete investigation." The whole is a moderate and common-sense exposition of the subject, not always set out in the happiest terms,—e.g. (p. 444) : "The nations, having tried restriction, found it to be a detriment and to so greatly interfere with trade as to retard their growth, and finally reacted in favor of non-interference and free-trade." This, though true, is not elegantly expressed.