The Daily Chronicle Of Monday Publishes An Interesting...
Sir Edward Hamilton, who has just retired from the Treasury after a long and distinguished career. We can only note here Sir Edward Hamilton's unhesitating condemnation of......
On Wednesday Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Received The...
city of Edinburgh. It was significant, as he said in his graceful speech, that a Scottish Prime Minister should be made free of the capital of Scotland on the two hundredth......
Addressing His Constituents At Newport On Tuesday, Mr....
with the House of Lords. Some people seemed to think, he said, that a Second Chamber was part of the order of Nature, and as essential as the Ten Commandments or the......
We Note With Regret That Father George Tyrrell Has Been
deprived of the Sacraments—that is, in effect, though not in name, excommunicated—on account of the articles published by him in the Times criticising the recent Encyclical.......
On Saturday Last The King Received The Lords-lieutenant...
Scotland, and Wales at Buckingham Palace, and addressed them on their responsibilities in working the new Army Act. That Act revived much of the great importance which used to......
Mr. Lloyd-george, To Judge From A Speech He Delivered Before
the Welsh National Liberal Convention at Rhyl on Wednesday, has two voices,—one for Wales and the other for his official work. In order to convince Welshmen that be is still the......
Mr. Balfour Visited Edinburgh Yesterday Week And Made Two...
speeches, the first in connexion with the Victoria Hospital for Consumption, the second at the opening meeting of the Jubilee session of the Philomathic Society. After an......
Sir Antony Macdonnell Before He Left Ireland Recently On A
visit to the United States announced, as be could not well have refrained from doing if be mentioned the subject at all„ that cattle-driving was illegal, and must be stopped.......
Bank Rate, 51 Per Cent., Changed From 41 Per Cent.
Oct. 31st. Consols (2-1) were on Thursday 821—on Friday week 83i.......