2 NOVEMBER 1918, Page 1

Dr. Solt the German Foreign Secretary, assured the Reichstag on

Thursday week that the Government meant to carry out President Wilson's principles " honestly." The pretence of giving Alsace- Lorraine " autonomy " by the appointment of a few Alsatian renegades to office was not to " forestall a different solution." Dr. Solf contested the legal right of the Danes in Slesvig to vote for or against Prussian rule under the Treaty of Prague. While professing to accept President Wilson's demand for a free and united Poland with access to the sea, he urged that Dantzig was a German town and could not be restored. He had the audacity to claim that Germany had done much to " liberate " Poland. Dr. Solf assumed a humble air, but his colleague General von Schenck, the new Minister of War, told the Reichstag that " our Army is not beaten and our homeland has not collapsed." " We have everywhere," he added, " resources calculated to enable us to make a successful resistance." Until General von Schenck and his masters are forced to adopt a less arrogant tone, peace is out of the question.