Our Third And Fourth Armies, Forming The Left Centre Of
the Allies, continued from Thursday week to Saturday last their great offensive south of Valenoiennes. The enemy offered a moat stubborn resistance, but was forced back across......
Those Who Advocated A General Election On Behalf Of The
soldiers and sailors seem now to have forgotten their original argument. They want a General Election for its own sake. But what the advantage of it would be we have never been......
This Condition Has Never Been Fulfilled ; The Plebiscite Has
never been taken. Now the,question is being revived. Personally we should like to see the Duchies bodily restored to Denmark, but it would be useless to give Denmark more than......
The Three French Armies, Forming The Allied Right Centre...
the Upper Oise south of Le Cateau and the Upper Mane at Bethel, began a combined offensive on Thursday week. The enemy had constructed strong lines from the Oise to the Berm and......
Much Stir Has Been Caused In Denmark And In Slesvig-holetein
by the thought that the coming peace settlement may reunite to Denmark a part or all of the annexed provinces. The Danes are concentrating their attention upon Article V. of the......
Favourably. The Battle-front Extends For Sixty Miles From...
round - Monte Grappa,. between the Brenta and the Piave, to the Adriatic at the mouthiof the Piave. The battle opened with a vigorous attack in the mountains on the left, where......
General Diaz Was Quick To Profit By His Initial Success.
On Tuesday he sent his Third Army across the Lower Piave, thus extending his right to the sea, while on the left he developed his attack in the mountains on either side of the......
Rumour Has Once More Taken A Plunge In Regard To
a General Election, and it is now asserted that the Election will probably take place early in Deoember. It seems certain that if the Election cannot be arranged for by then, it......
President Wilson's Appeal To The Electors To Return A...
Congress at the coming elections is a reminder that America, though united in support of the war, has not put aside her domestic politics. The President has asked the nation "......
The Allies On The Western Front Have Made Important Progress
in the centre of their long line, between Valenciennes on the Schelde and the Upper Aisne near Bethel. The Allied left in Flanders has been advanced a little, so that the left......