2 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 14


A corner has been found in Chicago's magnificent new Civic Opera Building to establish a theatre for the Chicago Civic Shakespeare Society. The theatre has a seating capacity for 800, and is furnished with up-to-date equipment. Begin- ning next month, Shakespeare plays are to be given each night, excepting Sunday, until February, with regular seasons to follow in subsequent years. A wealthy benefactor has been found to agree to meet any deficits which may be incurred during the next few years at least, and a number of other citizens of Chicago are giving their support. The aim is to make Shakespearean drama available at a minimum cost to all, and, in particular, to school children. At the same time, the Chicago Civic Opera Company, in a desire to en- courage wider interest in opera, has arranged to broadcast many of its performances during the 1929-30 season, over a chain of broadcast stations.

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