2 NOVEMBER 1929, page 22

Some Books Of The Week

Edinburgh, 1329-1929 (Oliver and Boyd, 21s.) is a simple title, but it covers much : it covers from every point of view the story of a burgh which, up to the middle of the......

No One Is Better Qualified To Deal With The Question

of freedom than Mr. Henry W. Nevinson, who has been a lifelong fighter for it upon every modern field. In an excellent anthology entitled England's Voice of Freedom (Gollanez,......

Herr Emil Ludwig Has Now Applied His Romantic-historical...

the origins of the War. July, 1914, translated by C. A. Macartney (Putnam, 10s. 6d.), is distinctly readable and substantially accurate in ascribing the blame first to Austria,......

The Broadway Travellers' Series Still Further...

reputation by issuing as its latest volume Commentaries of Ray Freyre de Andrade (Routledge, 15s.), which Mr. C. R. Boxer, a Fellow of the Portuguese Archaeological Association,......

The Appearance Of Complete Contract Bridge (putnam, 5s.)...

welcomed by all players of bridge. It is the sanest exposition yet published, and we are glad to see that the author, Mr. Milton C. Work, does not recommend the Vanderbilt and......

Though The Basic Principles Of Shooting Remain The Same,...

and apparatus alter and improve with the times, and accordingly Mr. Eric Parker, aided by thirteen other experts in their various lines, has set himself the task of explaining......


The Relations Between England And The Scandinavian...

more intimate ; and we are certainly better acquainted with their literature and culture than at any earlier period of our histories. Our knowledge will be increased by the......

The Competition The Editor Offers A Prize Of Five Guineas

for the best definitions of humour and wit, with an example of each. The Competition will close on Friday, November 22nd.......