2 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 16


The really astonishing proof of the beneficial effect of milk on children has had at least one sequel which promises well both for the urban consumer and the rural producer. Small bottles, holding about one-third of a pint, with a straw through the cork, have been devised for direct sale to school- children. The bottles cost Id.; and are becoming more and more popular especially with London infants. About 2,000,000 gallons a year are now sold in this way, though the experiment is young. In some smaller towns—a point emphasised by the Farmer and Stockbreeder—the dairy farmer himself supplies the school. He gets 2s. a gallon for his milk, and the bottles are not dear. The Milk Publicity Council has hit on a really fruitful idea ; and it should be capable of great extension. It would be well if all managers of schools paid active attention to the scheme. It should exert a most beneficial influence on the health of the growing race. "Much may be done" with an Englishman as well as a Scotsman—pace Dr. Johnson—" if he be caught young " ; and the doctors have proved to us within the last few years that the effect of milk on growing youth is almost mystic. The new outlet should be a real godsend to our dairy farmers, who suffer much from the vast consumption in the towns of skimmed milk contained in foreign tins.
