Sir: At last a major politician has warned us of
the dangers inherent in the egalitarian philosophy. In his Birmingham speech, Sir Keith Joseph has bravely voiced the opinion that we are not all equal, and that family and genetic backgrounds are far more important than the egalitarians would have us believe.
Sir Keith's recognition that the high birth rate among people of "low intelligence" is causing an imbalance which does our country no good has wider implications; for what is happening here is but a microcosmic example of what is happening in the world at large. At present, the advanced nations are restricting their birth rates, whereas the populations of the underdeveloped countries are multiplying alarmingly. This is causing a'world-wide imbalance of nature which is bound to undermine the world's human stock and have dire consequences for us all, particularly those least capable of looking after themselves.
By attempting to take the place of God in these matters, man is playing with fire.
R. G. W. Richcord 38 Tiffany Close, Bletchley, Bucks