Economists And Inflation
From Professor T. W. Hutchison Sir: As Professor Robinson states (October 19), economists both Keyne,, tan and non-Keynesian (e.g. espectallY Pigou) were well aware, in the......
Middle East And Ussr
Sir: It is high time that both the Z a c ninations of the Russians in the t ,. (1 5 11 e-East and their cynical use of 'Lente was exposed. Therefore, may I ?. 1 9h gratulate......
Lord Longford's Christ
Sir: The Longfordian Christ of Faith could be faulted by someone with a knowledge of modern biblical scholarship. Mr Alan Brien in his review of Lord Longford's The Life of......
Sir: I Have Not Seen Lord Longford's Life Of Jesus
Christ. I can well believe it is open to criticism, but, as a lifelong student of early Christianity, I can imagine few things more misleading to the unwary reader than Alan......
Sir: I was abroad when Richard Baker's review of my Concert Song Companion was published in your issue of September 28, so I hope you will allow this belated comment. I am......
City And Industry
Sir: Following your invitation of "the critical and probing attention of the authorities" to the current failure of our "ramshackle" stock market to meet industry's crying need......
Special Case?
From Mrs Doreen Parkes Sir: Reading (Spectator, October 12) Michael Stourton's article 'In a straight line' gave rise to hope that the country's problems were about to be......