Sir: Congratulations to Charles Moore on his excellent article on
immigration policy. However, I feel that I should point out that the Monday Club has consistently taken the line, that Mr Moore has now taken up, for years.
Yet we have been called fascist and racist for just as long, and the national media and most journals consistently declined to carry our well researched articles and letters on the subject.
Following the outburst in France of M. Chirac, followed by their prime minister and former prime minister, against non- 4ropean immigration, people like Mr Moore suddenly appear to have come out of the cupboard and are expressing views that should have appeared in the media Years and years ago. I hope that those interested in this sub- ject will give the Monday Club full marks
for its consistency and foresight over the past 30 years.
Gregory Lauder-Frost
The Monday Club, BCM 'Conservative', London WC1